27.4.19 - 19.5.19
The Spirit of Urushi By Junko Yashiro 八代淳子 漆展
Urushi wooden sake ware and tableware beautifully handcrafted by Junko Yashiro.
The word “urushi” refers to natural lacquer in Japanese. It comes from two other words: “uruwashi”, meaning “beautiful”; and “uruosu”, which means “to moisten”.
The Spirit of Urushi By Junko Yashiro VIP Preview x Homemade Plum Wine Experience
八代淳子 漆展導賞及自家製梅酒體驗
It is our great pleasure to invite you to the VIP preview of “The Spirit of Urushi by Junko Yashiro”. Junko Yashiro will be present to share her life as a lacquer artist based in Karuizawa. In this early summer – a time of the fullness of life – please also join us to enjoy some homemade plum wine courtesy of Home Dining HK.
誠邀您蒞臨欣賞和感受來自日本輕井澤的漆藝家八代淳子限量製作木漆酒器及日用器皿。正藉初夏,我們更特邀了Home Dining HK 創辦人 Angelica Tsang及Peggy Ho 來分享自家製陳年梅酒。
Date: 27 April 2019 (Saturday)
Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm
Venue: The Gallery by SOIL, 52 Po Hing Fong, Sheung Wan
Language: Japanese (Cantonese/English interpretation)
Free admission
時間 : 下午4:30pm - 6:30pm
地點:上環普慶坊52號地下The Gallery by SOIL