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拭漆 Fuki-urushi在日本漆藝上是指在木器表面塗上生漆,等到生漆充分滲入木料後再拭去多餘的漆料,待乾燥之後進行研磨,接著再重複來上另一層漆。拭漆可使木器更耐用,流露木紋的自然美。




漆藝研習A班: 9月1、8及 15日(週五)共三課

時間:3:30pm - 5:30pm


漆藝研習B班: 9月2、9及 16日(週六)共三課

時間:11am - 1pm


Shop 102, 1/F, Barrack Block, Tai Kwun, 10 Hollywood Road, Central, HongKong

導師:何嘉文 Danny Ho

語言 : 廣東話

學費: 早鳥優惠學費每人HK$1,895*(於8月18日前報名或二人同行);標準費用HK$2,150



共三節研習班上會完成器物:2雙木筷子 及 2隻木椀


把天然漆反覆地塗在木胎體表面上,經蔭乾、打磨、裝飾,每個工序都有其學問及趣味。 課程會提供一份拭漆木皿套裝 Fuki-Urushi Kit包含天然漆、優質櫸木胎,正宗日本素材及完整齊全的工具:


2雙木筷子 23 cm
2隻木椀直徑 11 厘米
紙5 張 
塑料手套 × 6 雙

砂紙 #800目 x 2




1) 正宗金繼DIY自學套裝 Kintsugi Kit(包含天然漆和純金粉,正宗素材及完整齊全的金繼工具)HK$985優惠價





Fuki-urushi (urushi means natural lacquer in Japanese) refers to a method of lacquering which thin coating of lacquer is applied evenly on the wood surface to highlight natural beauty of the grains. Participants will have hands-on experience with using authentic lacquer materials and methods and applying them to wood-ware. They can become everyday tableware.


Participants will be able to complete 2 pairs of wooden chopsticks and 2 wooden bowls in this 3-session workshop involving a process of lacquering, polishing and decoration. The workshop fee includes a Fuki-Urushi Kit with natural lacquer, high-quality Japanese Keyaki wood substrates, along with tool kits and materials all from Japan. We will share practical information from books and references, to tools and materials, and stories behind masters and artisans.


Lacquer Art Atelier Class A: 1, 8, 15 September 2023 (Fridays); 3 sessions in total Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm


Lacquer Art Atelier Class B: 2, 9, 16 September 2023 (Saturdays); 3 sessions in total Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm


Venue: Shop 102, 1/F, Barrack Block, Tai Kwun, 10 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong

Instructor: Danny HO

Language: Cantonese (Supplemented with English)

Workshop fee: Early bird discount HK$1,895* per person for each participant complete registration before 18 Aug , and participants who register in group of 2 or more. Standard workshop fee is HK$2,150.


(Workshop fee includes Fuki-Urushi Kit, Tools and Wooden Bowls and chopsticks)


Workshop participants are also able to purchase DIY Kintsugi Kit with a discounted price HK$985. We will distribute the Kintsugi Kit on the first session.


For further enquiries, please contact us at

漆藝研習:拭漆椀筷 Lacquer Art Atelier: Fuki-Urushi on Tableware Sep 2023

PriceFrom HK$1,895.00
  • 何嘉文 Danny Ho於加拿大安大略藝術設計大學畢業,現居於香港自學漆藝。他最初是由於中國茶道及日本的金繼藝術而認識「漆」,漆器耐用而又多元,而漆藝的特質及可塑性都使他尤其著迷。他利用傳統脫胎夾紵的技術製作現代器皿和立體造形。他確信傳承亞洲漆藝至為重要,並希望可探索漆藝在日常用品上的可能性。

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