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CRAFTING LIVE: Burmese Lacquer Making Live Demonstration by Bagan House & Experience Session

Did you know? In traditional Burmese lacquerware making, decoration is done by etching with free hands, entirely of memory and experience, using a stylet. Although Myanmar acquired the technique of making lacquer from its neighbours, the subsequent development of design motifs is quite unique. These motifs draw their inspiration from enthralled reservoir of Buddhist mythology and Burmese folklore.

Special Guest: Ms Maw Maw Aung

Ms Maw Maw Aung’s great grandfather U Bo Guang founded Bagan House in 1939, during the British colonial times. She is the fourth generation of the family in the lacquerware making business.

The Burmese Lacquerware is a living traditional art began with the Pagoda in Bagan. Since 11th Century, it has never faded away and has still been producing by the people in Bagan. Maw Maw and her team will come to Hong Kong personally and give a live demonstration of traditional Burmese lacquerware making techniques.

傳統緬甸漆藝知多少?工匠採用鋒如刺針的小刀,全靠記憶和經驗剔出圖案。儘管緬甸從鄰國傳來製作漆器的技術,但其圖案設計卻非常獨特。 這些圖案多從佛教神話和緬甸民間傳說中汲取靈感。

特別來賓蒲甘第四代傳人 - Maw Maw Aung女士的曾祖父U Bo Guang於1939年創立了Bagan House,歷經英國殖民時期。Aung是家族漆藝事業的第四代繼承人。

緬甸漆藝起源於蒲甘佛塔文化,自11世紀至今,當地工匠依然沿襲古法製作漆器。 Maw Maw Aung女士及她的團隊會親身前往香港,為我們帶來緬甸蒲甘漆藝的現場示範。


Date: 26 October 2019 (Saturday)

Time: 3:30pm - 5:00pm

Venue: The Gallery by SOIL, 52 Po Hing Fong, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Language: English, supplemented in Cantonese



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