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Explore the Lacquer Art of Myanmar

Hong Kong, Taiwan, Myanmar and Ukraine: We come together from different parts of the world to share our passion and explore the art of lacquer. SOIL team was invited by Sunrise Lacquer from Taiwan as an advisor for their study trip to Myanmar in June 2017. We visited our mentor and collaborator, Veronica Gritsenko, who founded Black Elephant Studio in 2000.

香港丶台灣丶緬甸丶烏克蘭:為了探索漆藝,來自不同地方的我們因此而連在一起。土壤文創團隊受台灣日初漆藝邀請,於2017年6月以交流顧問的身份一同前往緬甸考察。我們拜訪了來自烏克蘭的漆藝師Veronica Gritsenko。

Hong Kong, Taiwan, Myanmar and Ukraine

Since 2012, SOIL has been in collaboration with lacquer master Veronica Gritsenko to support her Black Elephant Studio in Myanmar, in the research, design development and making of lacquerware.

自2012年,SOIL已經與漆藝師Veronica Gritsenko 合作,支持其Black Elephant Studio 在緬甸從事漆器的硏究丶設計和製作。

Lacquerware by Black Elephant Studio for SOIL


Interview 訪問文章:


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