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The special blend of East and West gives Hong Kong a unique heritage and cultural identity. Hong Kong's English name is derived from two Chinese characters, Heung and Gong, meaning fragrant harbour. Some historians suggest that Hong Kong's Chinese name was inspired by its export of fragrant incense.


「香港」中西薈萃,擁有獨一無二的歷史⽂化。 顧名思義,「香港」的意思是「芬香的海港」,名字的由來相信是因為香港早年出口香本。

“Fragrant Harbour” Ebony Wooden Incense Utensils 「香。港」黑檀木盒品香器具

This compact Incense box is made of ebony and decorated with a brass cut-out cover. It combines the functions of incense utensils and storage. The brass compartment designs are inspired by the patterns of folding metal gates in Hong Kong. Simply light an incense and lay it on the fire-resistant fabrics. The fragrance of the incense can come through the decorative brass while the compartment at the bottom provides storage for spare incense sticks.


Sandalwood Incense 檀香

Illustration by Furze for SOIL

Concept and Design by SOIL

Sandalwood incense is a form of aromatherapy and a religious meditation tool that has been used for thousands of years. It has a sweet and slightly earthy smell when it is burned. The heart of the sandalwood tree is usually harvested, converted to a powder, and then used as incense. Many people believe that the aroma from sandalwood incense offers a wide variety of benefits, ranging from calming the mind to boosting a person's mood.


Exhibition About Incense 探索⼿⼯⾹的展覽

"Over and Over - Origin of Incense" 一更又一更:一切從 香 出發

23 Sept-8 Oct 2017

SOIL 土壤文創 and PMQ S314

In collaboration with okapi studio

Through mixed media and installation arts, the exhibition aims to reshape and redefine this traditional craft by taking a closer look at its raw components, structure and meanings.



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