
An acclaimed artist, Master Takashi Wakamiya excels in the practice of traditional lacquer techniques, Maki-e. Known for his high level of precision, he executes, in lacquer, objects historically made from unrelated materials, such as bronze or ceramic. His studio Hikoju Makie creates these imitations with such remarkable exactness that onlookers are fooled by the medium. Much more than the creation of a decorative surface, the sculptural forms and superbly nuanced colours make three-dimensional lacquer artefacts that are second to none.
Wakamiya was awarded Japan Cultural Envoy of the Agency for Cultural Affairs Ground prize of International Urushi Exhibition 2014. He exhibited in the UK, France, Russia and China including an exhibition of his works at the University Museum and Art Gallery of the University of Hong Kong in 2016. His works were chosen to become a part of the permanent collection at the Victoria and Albert Museum in the UK and the Museum of Lacquer Art in Muenster in Germany.
Read this insightful article about Wakamiya san's talk at the Gallery by SOIL:
適逢若宮隆志帶領其職人工坊「彥十蒔繪」的團隊來香港參加國際古玩展。The Gallery by SOIL榮幸邀請到若宮隆志大師在5月24日親臨進行藝廊一次漆藝聚會,讓大家可親身與他直接交㳘,並有機會近距離欣賞他的作品。