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Moon and Tides – In Between Hong Kong and Nagasaki

In collaboration with Mariko Tsuchiyama

“In my last show in Hong Kong, I asked people who came, ‘ When do you wear jewellery?’ Most of whom said ‘ I wear jewellery when I want to give myself a lift.’ or ‘ I wear jewellery when I want to be confident.’ Those responses asked me, ‘How does the emotion move in our mind?’ ‘How does jewellery get touched with us?”

Mariko is a designer and maker of handmade jewellery. She spent the early part of her career in the film industry. Later on, she held a public relations position at a French fashion house. She learned silversmithing at Hiko Mizuno College Of Jewellery (Tokyo), and at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design (London). She worked for Marc Monzó in Spain, and Rosita Bonita in England.

Mariko Tsuchiyama 生於日本長崎市,是一位設計師,專長是手造首飾。她早期擔任舞台工作人員,並且擔當電影演員的助手。亦曾在一家法國的時裝店擔任公關,然後擔任大學的行政工作。她曾經也是一位舞蹈員,舞蹈是她創作的靈感來源。她曾授習於東京HIKO-MIZUNO珠寶首飾設計學校和倫敦的中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院,學習銀器技法。之後,她曾在巴塞隆納的Marc Monzó 和倫敦的 Rosita Bonita工作。

Mariko 相信珠寶首飾散發的獨特性和身份,能夠給予勇氣和信心給佩戴的人。

10 April 2016



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