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Something Old, Something New


In collaboration with Mountain Folkcraft 高山民藝

Guest Curator: Furze Chan

Everything has its own beauty, If, we are willing to discover. Sometimes, an old object values beyond the others, That its presence indicates how people lived and created in the past. As the past passed, it is nice to know that, handcraft remains. Handmakers of nowadays create with contemporary aesthetics, In a blend of old and new manners. While we are looking closely at the handmade things, We may sense something – the makers’ attitudes. Their products are an extension of their minds, And they are most alive. 物件的美在乎,它的故事和人物。 舊的物件,它的過去正是它的靈魂。 手作的物件,總有一份常恆的美。 工匠的生活方式,造就了他們手藝, 手藝成全了他們的生活。 上一代至下一代, 手作品可以歷久而常新。 新設計賦予舊手作新的價值, 現代人的美學帶來新的角度。 無所謂舊作物,還是新作物, 反正它們都已不可分割, 只有融和, 才可延續彼此的生命。 Interview 訪問文章:

Weekend Weekly, October 2012Ming Pao Weekly, May 2012 Eat and Travel Weekly, 2012 5 Oct 2012 - 31 Jan 2013 SOIL at Square Street X Mountain Folkcraft


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